
Industrial counterattack plastic rally will continue

Dalian Commodity Exchange plastic ( 10620,180.00,1.72 % ) 1409 breakthrough and a firm 60 -day moving average , continue to rebound a day, up 95 yuan / ton, or 0.9 percent , to close at 10,620 yuan / ton , 550,000 transactions a day hand , positions 357,000 hands.Wholesale masking tape

March Markit manufacturing PMI 55.5 , less than the expected 56.5 . February Markit manufacturing PMI final value of 57.1 . March Markit manufacturing PMI is not ideal, mainly due to the slowdown in U.S. employment , factory orders fell . Overnight U.S. crude oil May contract within a narrow range , the price closed up slightly $ 0.14 / barrel to close at 99.60 U.S. dollars / barrel. Smooth vinyl quotes , CFR Northeast Asia, 1464-1466 U.S. dollars / ton , CFR Southeast Asia, 1439-1441 U.S. dollars / ton , CIF NWE 1215.5-1220.5 U.S. dollars / ton.

Today, the central bank [ be 46 billion 28-day repurchase operations , in line with expectations . This week in the open market with no maturity , the interest rate in the interbank money to stabilize higher and lower in back that day RRR background , the central bank to return the funds to continue to implement repo , showing the central bank to maintain tight monetary policy.Masking tape

Very few ex-factory price of petrochemical LLDPE down 100 yuan, Fujian Pricing 7042 reported 10,900 yuan / ton, Guangzhou Petrochemical 7042 pricing reported 11,000 yuan / ton, Maoming Petrochemical 7042 reported 10,950 yuan price / ton , Qilu Petrochemical 7042 pricing reported 10,800 yuan / ton Yangzi petrochemical 7042 reported 10,950 yuan price / ton, the price of oil in East 7042 reported 11,000 yuan / ton. As the demand is not price reduction of grades , so the market did not cut prices because of lower individual manufacturers , on the contrary , to spot price , Nanjing , Tianjin, steady rise.Washi tape

Industrial market today staged a counter-attack , the whole industry chain of steel varieties char limit intraday rubber ( 15510,575.00,3.85 % ) , also went straight to the daily limit , the market sentiment to do more , "hunters " warm highlights , more stable performance plastics continue to steadily rise, above 60 -day moving average intraday , combined with the current spot price of plastic , the plastic will continue to rebound , you can continue to do more plastic .Sellotape

