
Rubber industry made ​​money by high value-added products

2013 benefit levels significantly improve China's rubber industry , the focus of substantial growth in corporate profits . 2014 , is expected to rubber industry of major economic indicators will steadily. Growth of high value-added products is a major force driving efficiency improvement . This is the reporter from the opening in Qingdao 26 March 2014 China Rubber Conference and China Rubber Industry Exhibition learned the news .
According to the introduction , in 2013 , China Rubber Industry Association statistics, 364 key enterprises profit growth of 18% ; industry sales profit 5.57% , 0.74 percentage points higher than the previous year .

Attended the opening ceremony of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation president Li Wu said happily: "In recent years , awareness of green rubber industry development significantly enhanced self-regulatory standards developed and implemented a " green tire specification " , and vigorously promote the recycling economy and clean production, eliminated a number of backward production technology, using a number of advanced technology energy conservation and comprehensive utilization of resources , the development of a number of safety, environmental protection , energy saving and green rubber products , Wholesale masking tape

industrial structure adjustment made ​​positive progress in the development of endogenous motivation and significantly enhanced vitality for the industry steady growth, structural adjustment , raise efficiency and create good conditions . "

Since last year, the economy has improved the quality of the rubber industry . Deng Yali , president of the China Rubber Industry Association, told reporters that the efficiency of the sector better, mainly due to natural rubber, synthetic rubber prices fell , while some companies stopped the backward products , to develop the advantages of leading products. High technological content and added value , high-performance products to meet market demand , the brand product yield achieved double-digit growth , such as radial tires , electric bicycle tires, steel cord conveyor belt , steel knitting tubes.Masking tape

" 2014 high-value , market demand growth potential of these new products will continue ." Deng Yali expects 2014 rubber industry of major economic indicators will steadily , the economy remained stable , the main product output will keep growing ; China 's tire exports to grow by about 10 percent , an increase of less than last year ; exports grew by about 7 %, an increase will be greater than last year .

The reporter found that many people in the industry for this year's rubber industry trends remain relatively optimistic.Washi tape

Deputy general manager of Jiangsu Hankook Tire horse atlas clear that this year 's natural rubber prices will still remain low running posture, while the European market continues to recover, so tire sales this year will not be too difficult, especially the radial tire market expansion , backward inclined cross- tire market will be further compressed. According to him, currently being Hankook Tire America to build a new production base . Ma Qing atlas , said: "This is a fancy currently growing tire market in Europe and America ."

Hangzhou, China Strategic Holdings chairman Chen Jinrong told reporters that this year there may be a natural rubber prices rebounded slightly momentum , but overall is still running low , so the impact will not be much of tire companies , enterprises will a small increase in natural rubber stocks .Sellotape

