
Paint companies to control urbanization Nuggets new markets

Back in the " Eleventh Five-Year Plan" had clearly "To promote urbanization and urban agglomeration as the main form of " Twelfth Five-Year Plan reiterates its recommendation to the big cities as the basis to focus on medium and small cities , and gradually form a large radiation effect urban agglomerations , medium and small cities and small towns to promote the coordinated development . With the further development of urbanization , many companies are moving shadow players , develop new businesses battle plan . As for the paint companies , how to rectify the wind and waves in the policy as well?Masking tape

Currently a second-tier coatings market demand has gradually reached saturation point, which for the development of the coatings business is a lot of challenges, experts believe that environmental policy to accelerate the coatings industry reshuffle. The future will be more difficult for SMEs paint unless transformation, otherwise perish ; while cutting of the cake , " knife" clenched by large enterprises .

Recently, two sessions again urbanization to a new climax. According to Nine are building networks to understand , " Government Work Report" to " promote human-centered new urbanization " as one of nine priority this year , and whether the new urbanization appears to promote the development of enterprises to become a major force behind it?Wholesale masking tape

In this regard , the industry said , the new urbanization stimulate new housing increment , followed by construction of the new development will bring . The real estate market in the paint industry as dependent industries, is also bound to wind straight . Many paint companies also expressed the same view , the central continue to promote the construction of new urbanization , will inevitably bring housing , decoration , furniture and other consumer market ; addition , predictable new urbanization will also help China's real estate market strength , then real estate will get a new one development round . " As a class of architectural coatings mainly for house decoration paint products , and its market development is closely related to the real estate industry , but also will benefit from the paint can be said that the new urbanization will be a new growth point paint consumption ." There are internal staff told the author .

"Over the past decade , driven by urbanization , added 200 million urban population , produce 6 billion square meters of real estate demand, so the next decade will be the golden period of development of the coatings industry ." Paint Co., Ltd. , Guangdong Huilong Directors long Chen Huiting dealer meeting in 2013 , said he paints the future development of the market is very confident . He believes that the paint industry is a new round of reshuffle imminent, only good enough business to survive in the next decade.Sellotape

There paint company insiders have said that " the existence of rigid demand and domestic paint industry urbanization will bring great market opportunities , how to grasp the necessary their luck elsewhere ."

But no matter how urbanization affect the paint industry to bring more good than harm , urban and rural development , increase investment in rural infrastructure will become more prominent , architectural coatings demand will show a certain percentage of the rise. With the deepening of sustained profit era , the paint industry has brought much-needed new power market vitality. Combined with the introduction of new policies , enterprises should seize the policy of "tail" , based on their own strengths, to ensure that changes to adapt to market demand, in order to achieve a steady increase in yield and value .Washi tape

