
Billions secretaries relatively more optimistic about the second half of the titanium dioxide

Billions secretaries申庆飞before , "said the macroeconomic development of titanium dioxide industry has been influenced , and I have confidence in the Chinese economy , but also on the titanium dioxide industry is confident that this year is expected to find the industry 's inflection point ."Wholesale masking tape

申庆飞that overcapacity is now almost become a common problem for all Chinese traditional industries , including some of the emerging industry , this situation affected both the one hand, the demand side is suppressed , namely the supply side is enlarged , and now the situation in China is both China's economic transformation and upgrading in recent years , demand for titanium dioxide to suppress the supply side was induced earnings 2010-2011 dioxide , titanium dioxide in the construction of new production lines and more .Masking tape

He pointed out that the second half of 2014 , however , the situation in these two areas are expected to be improved, the domestic titanium dioxide prices continued to slump , making some capacity gradually withdraw . After two sessions held in 2014 , with the gradual implementation of the economic reform measures , urbanization and protect the type of housing construction accelerated , help to improve the domestic titanium dioxide demand . Foreign economic recovery on export-led titanium dioxide is also more evident since the beginning of the year .

In addition , it is learned titanium dioxide industry "double" - " titanium dioxide industrial pollution control technology policy" and the Ministry of State Environmental Protection Department guidance guidance " titanium dioxide industry access " to be introduced in 2014 , when will the production process, resources configuration and resource recycling, production scale to be strictly required, or will substantially improve industry access threshold.Washi tape

Annual Disclosure , 2013 year Billions operating income 1.723 billion yuan , down 4.51 percent year on year ; realized a total profit of 027 million yuan , down 87.48 percent year on year ; attributable to shareholders of listed companies net profit of 024 million yuan , down 87.22 percent year on year .Sellotape

