In the long-term development process, due to geographical and cultural influenced by other factors, China's economic development formed a strong west to east , north south fast slow pattern, this pattern formation pattern of development has laid a lot of industries . Of course, this also includes the paint industry , China's paint industry started late , so far from being concerned about the outside world in the 1990s , until the past decade , China's paint industry blockbuster , through the development of just a few decades , and winning the global two big country title paint production and consumption country , the production reached 13.03 million tons , which is sufficient to explain the development of China's fierce momentum coatings industry .Wholesale masking
But the fact that the distribution of paint companies , we find that while the rapid development of China's paint industry , has also created a strong west to east , north south fast slow situation, many famous paint companies ( eg , CR , three trees , Garbo , etc. ) are located in the East and South regions, like the North, Northeast and northwest Territories and more dealers are based. In recent years , with the rapid development of China's northern industrial and construction sectors , many paint companies ready to set foot in the southern North coatings market , which requires the development of a large number of dealers to help Southern paint companies open and occupied the northern coatings market . In the long process of development, nine are building networks found that many paint companies exist many problems in storage investment process , and these seemingly insignificant problems are seriously affecting the development of the coatings industry .
Chaos one : Rants
At present, our coatings business development, corporate branding become compulsory for paint , but also become the paint companies to investment capital , this is one for the rich and famous paint companies do . However in recent years , with the rapid development of network resources , many paint companies continue to exaggerate the effect of the use of promotional and corporate strength coating products , especially environmental policy under pressure, many paint companies play the green card, as many companies played " zero emissions, zero pollution " and other slogans , business is even more extensive use of " domestic famous brands , a certain celebrity endorsements , the first domestic ...... product , the only one ...... enterprise " and so on . However, many times the effect of the use of their products and the effect of what he said far .Masking tape
Three paint industry investment exposure chaos pain
Chaos II : No service
Many paint companies anxious in the investment process , said the hype , such as : Be will provide quarterly or monthly after dealer sales training , product problems refundable so incentives, while nine are building networks based on understanding , in recent years, years, many paint companies in terms of service before the promised investment in the subsequent implementation process are compromised. Of course, sometimes the problem may be due to the timing of the paint companies , but this phenomenon is often not enough to give people a feeling of honesty or dishonesty , which for the future work , dealers are able to be loyal to a company play a key role.
Chaos three : the dealer uneven
In front of an untapped market paint , not just some paint companies in the competition for market share , so they are not only in the race against time to grab more market . Therefore, in the selection of dealers , many paint companies simply a short time to be able to grab a larger market share , while ignoring the major distributors of the assessment session, which resulted in the emergence of various events in the future operation of the process .Washi tape
In this regard, Nippon Paint is a good example , in the 1990s, Nippon Paint entered the domestic market in order , the pattern of development through investment dealers lot , but at the time it is the lack of Nippon Paint for dealer assessment and training to lead the past two years , Nippon Paint loopholes. According to Nine are building networks to understand that since 2012 , Nippon Paint is always a result of counterfeit products out of sight now among the main reasons for this result is the emergence of the consequences of flaws in the dealer selection. This situation not only seriously affected the image of the product in the minds of consumers paint , the more severely affected the development of China's paint market order , so in the future development process, paint companies in the investment process , the dealer must be all aspects of the assessment, the final merit to avoid problems in the future operation of the process .
As paint companies , to enter an unfamiliar area , whether it is local or paint their own is a good thing for consumers , businesses and consumers what they need paint . But for the selection and maintenance of the dealer is indeed essential that a good dealer can help paint companies fame and fortune , otherwise it will suffer.Sellotape