
Internationalization of corporate giants are generally optimistic about the Middle East paint market

Middle East countries to develop tourism infrastructure to promote architectural coatings, automotive finishes and ship fast growing demand for marine coatings , the coatings market booming attracting more and more enterprises eyes .
" Every color of the exhibitors, exhibits an array of paint indicate generally optimistic about the Middle East market exhibitors ." Interview with reporters , said a person in charge has just returned from the Middle East Coatings Show Chemical Industry Branch of CCPIT Peng Yuan .Wholesale masking tape

Middle East is not just the world's major oil-producing regions , with the economic development in Saudi Arabia, the UAE and China is driven by main force , many Middle Eastern countries are also vigorously develop tourism infrastructure to promote architectural coatings, automotive finishes and ships rapid growth in demand for marine coatings , the coatings market booming attracting more and more enterprises eyes .Masking tape

Yuan Peng told reporters , exhibitors participate in this Middle East Coatings Show has more than 350 , including paint and a variety of raw materials, dyes, pigments , additives , fillers and coating equipment manufacturers and other fields . International chemical giant BASF, Bayer , Dow, Akzo Nobel , Solvay , Ashland , Wacker , etc. have appeared , and the organization of technical seminars at the show. In addition to the local audience in Dubai practitioners, as well as from Iran, Saudi Arabia , Pakistan, India, Egypt , the United Kingdom , Italy, Germany and other countries buyers . According to the organizers the British DMG Company's preliminary statistics , show the number of visitors reached 6000 people.

On the Middle East Coatings Show , China 's Exhibits widely popular , high intent to purchase foreign and satisfaction . Peng Yuan think there are two reasons , one is with the rapid development of the construction industry in the Middle East , and oil , finance and other industries to bring wealth, are effectively stimulate market demand , relatively strong intent to purchase foreign ; another , the good China 's coating raw materials and product quality , variety, and the price advantage is obvious , with the show such a platform easier for enterprises to go global.Sellotape

She also talked about the Chinese traders participating companies are no longer dominant, many manufacturers have begun to go overseas . In this Coatings Show in China a total of 96 exhibitors , more than in the 2012 Middle East Coatings Show businesses increased by 26 . It is also attractive from a side note in the larger Middle East market . Familiar with the local market, understand the needs of local enterprises is the main driver of Chinese enterprises to actively participating . To this end, CCPIT chemical branch organization in China while exhibiting companies , also recommended exhibitors brochure produced for free distribution to professional visitors and buyers , providing advocacy services , and lead pavilion to visit local associations and enterprises , for to more platforms and trading information .

According to another report , because the situation in Egypt , the original plan in 2015 , held in Cairo, Egypt Middle East Coatings Show continues to be held in Dubai.Washi tape

