
Global powder coatings market will expand in the coming three major areas

According to the latest statistics , a leading U.S. consulting firm , the global powder coatings market in the future will further expand the application fields , and will maintain an average annual rate of 15%.
In recent years, the rapid development of powder coating is environmentally friendly paint varieties. It is 100% solid powdery coating of polymers, pigments and additives and other raw material composition .

In the past decade , the average annual growth rate of the global powder coatings market to reach 11% , the growth rate is amazing. Behind the rapid growth of powder coatings market , is the world's environmental regulations and enhance consumer awareness of environmental protection popularization of development.

The report is expected in the coming years , the global powder coatings market applications will be extended and in-depth focus on the following areas:

A powder coating will be new developments in the automotive industry

Currently, the automobile industry has been toward zero VOC environmental coatings applications forward. Powder coating with epoxy resin as a substrate, with zero VOC, film aesthetics , spraying easy recovery , save production cost, after it was first used in the automotive industry , will immediately become the most popular paint manufacturers and users packaging material .

On the other hand , powder coatings for the automotive industry , but also by environmental regulations tend to make . Since the 1980s , the United Kingdom , the United States and other developed countries have emissions in the automobile manufacturing process of organic solvents formulated strict limits - VOC emissions declined from the late 1970s of the last century 15.5 lbs / car to the 21st century 1.5 lbs / car. Global coatings network learned every twenty years a significant decline in emissions are concerned with the use of new coatings , such as the early 1980s, the introduction of high solids coatings , water-based paint in the late 1980s , the 1990s began to board the global powder coatings automobile manufacturing stage.Sellotape

With global demand growing pollution coatings and powder coatings in particular the further development of epoxy powder coating of new technologies, global automotive industry needs to account for a larger share of the powder coatings market .

Second, building decoration industry will increasingly global powder coatings market to new prosperity

Over the past decade , the global pure polyester powder coating is sufficient to show that the growth rate of contribution to the development of powder coatings market in architectural engineering made ​​. Although the powder coating is applied just like the beginning of the construction market dogged criticism weathering resistance, water resistance and other properties, but as a healthy coating powder coating material and still get a large number of loyal users quickly , and coatings manufacturers have to take into account the needs of and therefore more special type powder coatings and powder coatings have been developed functional produced .Washi tape

Powder Coatings in architectural engineering will be more applications in development, such as painting on steel buildings , steel is an indispensable basic construction materials , steel service life determines the useful life of the building, using melt bonded epoxy powder-coated steel corrosion can greatly improve the life of the main building also play enhancement and protection.

Third, the characteristics of the shipbuilding industry and matching powder coating powder coating will enable to carry out more research and development of functional

At present , the global ship pipe coating powder coating good momentum of development . Ships pipeline corrosion appearance material needs to be solvent-free coating material in powder form , in order to facilitate the construction and appearance of protection, while epoxy powder coating can be sprayed as a new paint film formation and melting , can well meet this a project needs .Wholesale masking tape

Marine vessels with a metal usually suffer more than other industrial objects ultraviolet radiation and erosion and degradation fast, and powder coating extremely good weather resistance , wear resistance and corrosion resistance, and gloss and color retention are provide good performance and cost control for the protection of ship production and use.

Ships pipe coating powder coatings market demand has also given the possibility of more in-depth development . Almost all over the ship each ship steel structure systems, such as seawater piping, steam and water pipes , fuel feed pipes, sewage pipes , etc., global network learned powder coating paint powder coating recovery without loss of features and easy to make compared to other coatings better suited to ship steel pipe coating and protection. With the optimization of powder coatings and anti-corrosion technology to enhance the performance achieved , powder coatings market future applications will ship systems occupy a considerable share.Masking tape

